I am an experienced secondary school senior leader with a passion for a truly inclusive education system.

I began my professional life as speech and language therapist working with teenagers in East London. I then retrained as a science teacher. As a head of department I realised that a focus on inclusive practices in schools is imperative to success. I am now a head of inclusion in a large, city school. Inclusion is not only ensuring that students with SEND can access education but ensuring that all students with any barrier to learning are supported. This may be due to having English as an additional language, being a Child We Care For (CWCF) or being entitled to free school meals due to low household income. Often these children need additional support from external agencies but the key for me, is a strong curriculum in school with adults who love them and together these two elements make school unmissable and success possible. 

This website is to share my ideas with likeminded professionals and slowly transform the education system to one that is fit for purpose for all young people today. 

Please note the thoughts shared are my personal views and not linked to my place of work. 

Clare Forder